Global Nutrition in Peru

You can view the information session for the 2025 program here.
Explore nutrition science through a hands-on approach focusing on assessment, analysis and action in Peru.
Our summer study abroad program in Peru offers an integrated approach to studying nutrition. In a unique model, Emory students will partner with students from the host institution in Lima: the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC).
Together, Emory and UPC students will take one course: the Epidemiology of Obesity. The purpose of this course is to study the distribution, determinants and consequences of obesity in the Peruvian context, as well as the strategies implemented to control and reduce it. The course will be hands-on: with classroom instruction and practical application in the community.
The course will fulfill ONE of the following requirements:
- Translation Application for Human Health majors
- Elective for Human Health major with Epidemiology Focus
- Global Health Challenges for Global Health, Culture, & Society minor
- Social-Cultural Perspectives for Nutrition Science minor
- Elective for the joint Human Health/Economics major(Upon the submission and approval of a CSHH Course Petition Form; request Form from
No previous Spanish is required.
There are no prerequisite courses that you must take to be eligible to apply.