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Nik ChaudhryWashington, USAClass of 2023

What is your major/minor?
Biology & Human Health

Why did you decide to major/minor in Human Health at Emory?
I am interested in health policy, and the human health major provided the opportunity to take classes in this topic area taught by esteemed experts. I am also interested in other aspects of health and health care, which is perfect for the human health major because it features so many different topics in the large area of health.

Once you receive your degree in Human Health at Emory, what's next for you?
I am headed to Yale as a Postgraduate Associate at the Collaboration for Regulatory Rigor, Integrity, and Transparency (CRRIT). I'll be applying to law school as well.

What advice do you have for someone considering a major/minor in Human Health at Emory?
Take a look at some of the classes offered by the major, and see if you would be interested in a variety of different topics. The major has you take different types of courses, so make sure you would be interested in a diverse range of topics. Don't be afraid to reach out to professors! They are all willing to guide you through your major selection and interests.

What part of the Emory experience do you enjoy the most?
The relationships you make with professors who become mentors.