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Living Health Week: Spring 2024

Salute to Salutogenesis

The Center for the Study of Human Health’s Living Health Week focuses on applying the evidence-based health practices we discuss in class to our own lives. Studying health alerts us to the importance of self-care in our mental and physical health. Take time to run, dance, laugh, cook, create, reflect, meditate, and sleep. We hope that you aren't just studying health, but that you are also living health. Salud! Salut! Salute!


A model describing the dimensions of health and focusing on well-being rather than disease, salutogenesis was promoted in the twentieth century American medical context by Aaron Antonovsky, emphasizing the coping mechanisms of individuals that help them preserve physical and mental well-being and health despite stressful conditions. Added to the Merriam-Webster English Dictionary only in 2019, the namesake is the Roman goddess Salus, personification of health, well-being, prosperity and safety.

Monday's Challenge

A model describing the dimensions of health and focusing on well-being rather than disease, salutogenesis was promoted in the twentieth century American medical context by Aaron Antonovsky, emphasizing the coping mechanisms of individuals that help them preserve physical and mental well-being and health despite stressful conditions. The expanding science makes it clear that our behaviors directly influence our sense of well-being and our health. We challenge you to take one concept that you have learned in a CSHH class and put it into action.

Get Involved

Sound Bath Meditation hosted by Ms. Noni Keyton | 6:00pm
Interfaith Center, 1707 N Decatur Rd // RSVP required (limited to 35 individuals)

Gentle Yoga | 7:30am
Woodruff Physical Education Center // Register here

2023 Winners Exhibit: EGHI Global Health Student Photography Contest | 8:00am
Schwartz Center for Performing Arts: Chace Gallery

Hip Hop Dance | 4:30pm
Emory SAAC (Student Activity & Academic Center) // Register here



Educating students in the science of health and well-being and translating the evidence into action are core to the Emory Human Health educational program. Predictive Health emphasizes the emerging causal pathways underlying the analog state of health.

Tuesday's Challenge

With a vision of well-being for yourself, you are empowered to find and generate opportunities in the course of your daily life for lived well-being moments. It may take some time to identify action steps that take you near a sense of well-being, and on some days this may be elusive, but identifying the types of moments that enhance well-being for you can have a profound effect on your outlook. This may involve prayers, meditation, a walk, a swim, playing music, or any activity that engages you to the point of losing sense of time and self, or what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi coined “flow.”

Get Involved

Breathing Meditation hosted by Dr. Don Noble | 4:00pm
Emory Student Center N302 // RSVP required (limited to 20 individuals)

Emory Farmers Market | 11:00am
McDonough Plaza

Tai Chi | 4:15pm
Woodruff Physical Education Center // Register here

The Richard Ellmann Lectures in Modern Literature 2024 – Creativity Conversation with Natasha Trethewey, Fintan O’Toole, & Geraldine Higgins | 6:00pm
Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts // Register here



The opportunities we all have to enhance our health, well-being, and flourishing potential rely on self-empowerment in daily choices. Identifying our stress points and strengths as they arise in daily life empowers us to manage events and shape our health. We may discover satisfaction in new solutions to challenges and find ourselves developing new habits. Mindfulness and participating in activities we find meaningful can bring a sense of calm and joy to even the most difficult day.

Wednesday’s Challenge

From social support to the arts, individuals’ coping strategies are essential to human well-being. What are yours? Re-engage in activities you thought you don’t have time for but actually need for stress-relief, and identify new opportunities. Call a friend, sing, play a game or a musical instrument together, share a meal and a walk – social communication and support help the brain avoid neurological stress, overcome hardship and build resilience.

Get Involved

Visions of Health Art Workshop | 3:30pm
ArtsLab in the Cox Computing Center (Artists of all levels are welcome!) // RSVP required (limited to 18 individuals)

Learn Ways to Manage Emotions | 3:00pm
CAPS Office, 1462 Clifton Road, Suite 235

TechLab Laser Cutter Training | 2:00pm
TechLab in the Computing Center at Cox Hall // You must complete the Canvas Laser Safety Module before attending this class. If you have not already been added to the Canvas course, please email to be added.

Interfaith Interwoven: Open Interfaith Dialogue over Crafts | 6:30pm
Emory Interfaith Center



Life is filled with experiences beyond the control of individuals. Maintaining a sense of well-being is a challenge, and something many people have to learn to achieve. From human contact to mental imagery, identifying sources from which to draw strength and energy is a journey.

Thursday’s Challenge

The opportunities we all have to enhance our health, well-being, and flourishing potential rely on self-empowerment in daily choices. Identifying our stress points and strengths as they arise in daily life empowers us to manage events and shape our health. Identify a place where you feel most centered. Reflect on what this place means to you, and what sensations, feelings, and moods emerge for you in “your place.” Consider where in the local environment you can find a similar experience and spend time there when you need to re-energize.

Get Involved

Meditative Nature Walk hosted by photographer Steffan Kaplan | 3:00pm
Lullwater Nature Preserve (meet at the Lullwater gates at 3pm) // RSVP required

Humphrey Fellows Noontime Seminar Series | 12:00pm
R. Randall Rollins Room R_809 (Deb McFarland Room)

WERQ | 5:30pm
Woodruff Physical Education Center // Register here

Emory University Symphony Orchestra featuring Eighth Blackbird | 8:00pm
Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts // Event is free but tickets are required



The Center for the Study of Human Health faculty are among leading University scholars who have numerous achievements to celebrate this year in health and well-being, from ground-breaking discoveries in the treatment of COVID-19 to the launch of the Co-Design Lab, a novel health innovation enterprise partnering with local-global communities.  In addition, Predictive Health celebrates 15 years of their ground-breaking, longitudinal study of healthy individuals to better understand the science of health, well-being, and salutogenesis.

Friday's Challenge

Life is filled with experiences beyond the control of individuals. Maintaining a sense of well-being is a challenge, and one many people have to learn how to achieve. For some, artistic expression is essential. From music and dance to the graphic arts, crafts, writing and choral music, the human experience is a source of passion and requires expression through imagery, sound and movement. Identifying sources from which to draw strength and energy is a journey. Participate in an activity related to arts, creativity and expression as you explore your well-being.

Hope you have a restorative and refreshing spring break!

Get Involved

Listen to the HealthierU's Latest Student Podcast Episode

Visit the Emory ArtsLab | 12:00pm
ArtLab in the Computing Center at Cox Hall

Hula Dancing | 2:00pm
Woodruff Physical Education Center // Register here

Take a walk along the Emory Path
